What is an Open Graph?
While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a single technology which provides enough information to richly represent any web page within the social graph.
The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol which has informed many of the technical design decisions.
Open graph technology was first introduced by Facebook in 2010.
It allows any web page to have the same functionality as other objects in Facebook.
Meta Open Graph allows a user to integrate their website with Facebook. All the other social media sites: LinkedIn, Twitter and many more have recognized the advantage of social meta tags and recognized them.
Twitter has launched its own Twitter cards and if its robots can't find any on a website they use the Facebook open graph meta tags instead.
Open graph tags provide accurate information about your website and search engines do examine them.
This information contained in the open graphs protocol of a website helps in raising its ranking to higher positions.
It means that Open Graph Protocol on a website will increase visibility on Facebook and other social media sites and also better ranking. These are exactly those goals that a webmaster and owner want to achieve.
When you run Open Graph Protocol on your website, it turns into a Facebook rich graph object.
It gives you control over how your website appears on Facebook. If you don't use it your website is left at the mercy of the social media site's content generators. It might not portray your website on social media as you would want it to. Therefore it's advisable to generate your own Open Graph Meta Tags and incorporate them into the HTML code of your website. It will allow you to retain control over the open graph meta tags, plus you can change them whenever you want to.
Once you have successfully created Open Graphs Meta Tags trought this tool, you can also explore creating Twitter card meta tags, Instagram meta tags, and LinkedIn meta tags.
Creating Open Graph Meta Tags on all the major social media websites will increase the visibility of your website on social media.