Che cos'è il parametro Time To Interactive?
Speed performance
What is the Time To Interactive Parameter?
When a user opens a page of your website, there is a certain amount of loading time spent by the browser to show it fully.
This happens due to various reasons, each one monitored by a specific parameter.
In the case of the Time To Interactive, what is analyzed is how fast it is possible to interact with a page once that it is fully displayed.
This parameter is fundamental in terms of User Experience, due to the fact that a lot of websites prefer to improve the content speed instead of the possibility to interact with the page: this results in a fully displayed page that does not work (buttons, links and so on) for some seconds.
When can a page be considered completely interactive?
The page can be considered completely interactive when it responds within 50 milliseconds from an input (interaction) of the user and it shows useful content.
Time To Interactive is displayed in seconds by SeoChecker.
The score is assigned according to a ratio between the Time To Interactive of your page and the Time To Interactive data of a big archive of other websites (HTTP Archive).
In this table you can check the score parameters:
Time To Interactive (in seconds) |
Color-coding |
0 - 3.8 |
Green (fast) |
3.9 - 7.3 |
Orange (moderate) |
> 7.3 |
Red (slow) |
How can I improve my Time To Interactive score?
Our main tips for you is to not focus only on Time To Interactive score: try to solve all the loading issues of your page and you will see how this parameter will benefit as well!
Having said that, there is something that you can do to improve your score, such as:
- trying to reduce the main thread work;
- decreasing the execution time of JavaScript.